Commands list

This is a comprehensive list of all commands available to you in APEX. They are grouped together by their respective areas of use. Understanding this list requires that you already be familiar with how commands work. You may read through the whole list to gain an overview or use it as a reference to look up specific commands.

Base commands

Optional parameter: base ID
By itself shows an overview over all your bases. Shows more info on a concrete base when followed by a base ID, e.g. by clicking “View Base” in the generic BS window. Provides access to most other base-related commands.

Mandatory parameter: planet ID
Allows to create a new base on a planet. It shows necessary building materials and allows to select a plot on the surface.

Mandatory parameter: base ID
Opens an overview over the buildings in a concrete base. Accessible via the BUILDINGS (formerly “SECTIONS”) button in a concrete BS window. Click “DEMOLISH” to destroy a Section, which will refund some of the resources that went into its construction, depending on its age. The possible refunded materials are listed as “Reclaimable materials”.

Mandatory parameter: base ID
Opens the Construct window of a concrete base. Accessible via the “Construct” button in a concrete BS window. Use the tabs at the top to cycle through different building categories. The line labeled “Area” indicates a building’s area cost and, after the slash, the area left available in your base. The line labeled Workforce” shows the number and type of workforce required to operate this building.

Mandatory parameter: building ticker
Displays information on a building type: which kind of worker is employed here, how much space the building takes up and which parts go into its construction. Accessible by clicking a building type in the BSC window.

Optional parameter: address or store ID
If no parameters are supplied the command will show a list of all your inventories, including base storage, cargo holds, fuel tanks and warehouse storage units. Clicking on the “open” button will show the contents of the selected inventory. In the top left, you will find several sorting options (AMT: amount, WGT: weight, VOL: volume) as well as a symbol to their left. Click it to toggle between list and grid mode; the latter shows more information on each commodity, such as their weight, volume, and book value.

If the parameter contains a system or planet address (for example INV XK-745 or INV XK-745a) it will only show inventories at that location.

Optional parameter: material ticker
Optional parameter: source store ID
Optional parameter: target store ID
Allows you to transfer a specific amount of items between two inventories. The material to be transferred as well as the source and target stores can be specified via the command’s parameters or chosen from drop-down menus in the command window itself. Note that this command is also accessible (with pre-filled transfer details) via dragging an item from the source store to the target store and dropping it on the “AMT” slot.

Mandatory parameter: base ID
Shows an overview over a base’s workforce and their needs. The more sophisticated the workforce tier, the higher their needs. If you can’t supply your workers with the consumables they need, the efficiency of buildings they operate will drop. Accessible via the “Workforce” button in a concrete BS window.

Mandatory parameter: base ID
Lists all fields which can receive bonuses by Experts and shows which Experts are currently being used in the specified base. Hit “REMOVE” to deactivate an expert, who is then listed as available in the rightmost column. Click “ACT” to send them back to work. Accessible via the “Experts” button in a concrete BS window. Production Line commands

Mandatory parameter: base ID
Shows the Production Lines in a specific base. Accessible via the “Production” button in a concrete BS window. Each Production Line may consist of one or more buildings of the same type.

Mandatory parameter: Production Line ID
Allows you to cancel queued orders, but not the ones that are already being processed. The Efficiency value is influenced by multiple factors including your workers’ satisfaction, the bonus provided by Experts and, in some cases, the planet’s soil fertility. Accessible via the “Details” button in a PROD window.

Mandatory parameter: Production Line ID
Allows you to place a new Production order. Select a Primary Output from the dropdown menu, set an order size and queue your order. If your order requires input materials (as shown at the bottom), make sure they are available first. Accessible via the “New Order” button in a PROD window.

No possible parameter
Shows you which of your bases currently is your company headquarters and allows you to relocate your headquarters to another base for different faction bonuses. You can also upgrade your headquarters here to unlock additional base permits and production queue slots.

Optional parameter: planet ID Allows you to select one of your bases and repair multiple of its buildings at once by specifying a minimum building condition. All buildings in the selected base at or below that condition will be included in the repairs.

Social commands

Mandatory parameter: Faction code
Displays information about the specified faction.

Mandatory parameter: Company code
Displays information about the specified company. (This is where the four-digit code you chose for your company in very the beginning finds its use.) Among other things, allows to view and contact the company’s owner.

Mandatory parameter: User name
Shows a user’s company, registration date, and connection status. Accessible via the “Managing Director” column in a CO window. Clicking the “MUTE USER” button renders all messages this user sends invisible to you.

No possible parameters
Lists all communication channels you have joined in the past. You automatically join a channel when first clicking on it. To leave a channel again, open it and select “LEAVE”.

No possible parameters
Lists all public communication channels. You can join a channel by selecting it from the list.

Mandatory parameter: channel ID
Opens a private group chat. If you previously joined it, entering its name will open the chat directly. If you enter the name of a room that does not exist yet or that you haven’t previously entered, “Start Conversation” will open the chat. Also accessible via the “NEW GROUP” button in the COM window.

Mandatory parameter: channel ID
Opens an existing public chat like “global” or “help”. You cannot create a new public chat.

Mandatory parameter: user name
Starts a private two-person conversation with the specified user. Start entering their name until it appears in the list, then click it. Accessible via the “NEW PRIVATE” button in the COM window.

No possible parameters
Shows you who is currently online in APEX. Accessible via the “CONS” button in the bottom right of APEX.

Contract commands

Mandatory parameter: contract ID
This command allows you to view a specific contract. It must be followed up with a long and complex parameter identifying the contract, which is why it is generally recommended to use “CONTS” command and then clicking the desired contract(s).

No possible parameter
Displays a list of all your contracts from Commodity Exchanges and Local Markets. Click any contract to open its CONT buffer. Note that you can also view Pending Contracts by selecting them from the list in the right sidebar. (If you can’t see the sidebar, toggle it on using the SDBR button on the left.) Learn more about contracts in the “Trading” and “Local Markets” tutorials.

CONTD Optional parameter: contract ID Displays a list of all your contract drafts. Specifying a contract id, or clicking on any draft, will open the draft detail view, where the draft can be edited and sent out.

Commodity Exchange commands

These following commands all pertain to Commodity Exchanges. The first two are probably the most useful. See all these commands in action in the “Getting Started” tutorial.

No possible parameter
Shows a history of your Sell and Buy orders, which you can view and delete from here. By deleting an order that hasn’t been filled yet, or at least not completely, you withdraw it from the market.

Mandatory parameter: Contract ID
Shows information on an order you made in the past. Accessible via the “VIEW” buttons in the CXOS window.

No possible parameter
Lists all existing Commodity Exchanges. From here, you can quickly access a concrete Commodity Exchange without having to remember its particular parameter for the CX command.

Mandatory parameter: material ticker
Optional parameter: planet ID
Compares commodity exchange information for the specified material across all commodity exchanges. Exchanges will be sorted by their distance to the given planet (if one was entered).

Mandatory parameter: Commodity Exchange ID
This is where you can buy and sell items from a particular market. Select the commodity category from the dropdown menu. Accessible for example by clicking the name of a commodity exchange in the CXL window.

Mandatory parameter: material ID
Materials and commodities are essentially the same thing. Their ticker is the two- or three-letter identifier you can see in each of their little icons. For example, the ticker for Steel is STL. “Wrought product” indicates what can be made from this material and in which Production Line, while “Production” shows you how and where the material itself can be produced. Accessible for example by clicking a commodity’s icon in the CX window.

Mandatory parameter: commodity ID + ComEx ID
These four commands relate to concrete commodities on a concrete market. Next to an entry of a commodity in the CX window, you’ll find the buttons labeled “INFO”, “CHART”, “ORDERS”, and “TRADE”. “INFO”: CXP, which shows an overview over current bids, ask amounts, all-time highs and lows etc. “CHART”: CXPC. Shows a candlestick chart of a commodity’s price over time. If it says “No data”, the commodity hasn’t been sold in the indicated time period. Select a longer time window to fix it. “ORDERS”: CXOB command, where you can see pending requests and offers. “TRADE”: CXPO, which lets you place Buy and Sell Orders within the current Price Band. The latter is determined by a three-day average and is wider for PRO licensees than FREE licensees. To quickly set the current lowest bid or asking price, use the “set” buttons in the “Ask / Bid” line. The “Inventory” line lets you select the storage location from which to sell your commodities.

Space flight commands

It is recommended you use the FLT command and access the other commands from there. To see all these commands in action, have a look at the space-flight tutorial.

Optional parameter: system ID / planet ID
Entered by itself, the Fleet command shows all of your ships. Every line shows data on one of your ships, like its transponder code, name, status, fill status, location, and information about an ongoing flight. Following up the fleet command with the ID of a system or planet shows all of your ships currently stationed there. (The ID is simply the parameter you can see at the top of a buffer by selecting a system in the Universe Map or a planet in a system map.)

Mandatory parameter: ship transponder code
Shows information on one of your ships. Rename your ship by clicking its current name (or “unnamed”) and entering a new one. Accessible by clicking the Transponder code of a ship in the FLT window.

Mandatory parameter: ship transponder code
Shows a ship’s fuel status. Accessible by clicking the fuel bar of a ship in the FLT window.

Mandatory parameter: ship transponder code
Shows a ship’s inventory, which is limited in the weight and volume of its cargo. Accessible by clicking the inventory bar of a ship in the FLT window.

Mandatory parameter: ship transponder code
The “FLY” button next to each ship in the FLT list calls the SFC command followed by the ship’s transponder code. By entering a planet ID or station ID into the Location property, setting the desired Fuel usage and hitting Start, you can send a ship to a new destination.

Mandatory parameter: ship transponder code
Shows all the public information available on the selected ship. Accessible by clicking a ship triangle in a System map or Planet Info window.

Ship building commands

BLU Optional parameter: blueprint ID Opens a list of all your ship blueprints or a specific blueprint if an ID was specified.

SHY Mandatory parameter: planet ID Opens the shipyard buffer of the desired planet.

SHYP Mandatory parameter: project ID Opens the desired shipbuilding project.

Foreign Exchange commands

To see these commands in action, have a look at the “Foreign Exchange” tutorial.

No possible parameter
FX shows you a matrix of exchange rates where you can see how much one currency is worth in terms of another. The base currencies are arranged vertically, the quote currencies horizontally.

Mandatory parameter: commodity pair ticker
Use FXP followed by a ticker of two currency identifiers divided by a slash or dot, for example: FXP AIC/CIS. Alternatively, just click the respective value in the FX matrix.

Mandatory parameter: commodity pair ticker
Use this command to see open orders of any currency pair, for example: FXOB AIC/CIS.

Mandatory parameter: commodity pair ticker
Shows the exchange rate history of any currency pair, for example: FXPC AIC/CIS.

Mandatory parameter: commodity pair ticker
Use this command to place a foreign exchange order, i.e. to spend one currency to buy another. Enter FXPO followed by the desired ticker, for instance AIC/NCC. Next, select the appropriate tab in order to buy or sell the desired currency. Note that the numbers you indicate are Lots, that is, 1000 of each currency. For more in-depth information, have a look at the Foreign Exchange tutorial.

No possible parameter
Shows all foreign exchange orders you placed.

Map commands

Maps can be navigated by dragging and dropping the left mouse button to move around and the right mouse button to rotate. Some maps can be displayed in 2D instead of 3D by toggling on the “Fix 2D” property.

Mandatory parameter: CX/NAV/INV/POL
Opens one of the four different Universe maps. They all show the same Universe, but they serve different purposes, as described below. The interconnected dots on the map are star systems. By hovering over a system, you can see its identifier. Throughout all maps, you can toggle the display of different types of information on or off at the bottom. You may also filter that data by time period (e.g. 1 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours).

MU CX: Shows where your commodity exchanges are taking place.

MU NAV: Shows traffic data. As long as “fleet” is toggled on, your ships’ locations are marked by yellow arrows. Learn more about traffic data in the “Space Flight” tutorial.

MU INV: Allows you to view the distribution of your storage in the universe. This is not yet available.

MU POL: Shows a political map. This is not yet available.

Mandatory parameter: system ID
Like on the Universe Map, yellow arrows mark your ships. Turn on “traffic” to also see the location of other users’ ships, which are marked by white arrows. The wireframe structure in the middle is the system’s star; the circles orbiting it are either rocky (white) or gaseous (orange) planets. White square represent space stations. Hovering over a planet or space station shows its ID. Instead of manually entering the system ID, you may click on the desired system in the Universe map.

SYSI Optional parameter: system ID All systems, named or unnamed, have and ID which consists of the sector ID (two letters) and the system number. The system information commands shows basic information about the system, like its name, star type, micrometeoroid density and faction affinity. It has a list of all planets and stations in that system. If no system ID is provided a search box is being displayed instead of the system data which allows to search for systems.

PLI Optional parameter: planet ID All planets, named or unnamed, have an ID, which is the system’s ID followed by a unique letter. Planet Info contains shortcuts to your Fleet and Inventory on that planet. Among other things, you can see here which Resources can be extracted from this planet and its atmosphere, and whether or not the planet lends itself to growing plants. The bar indicating the latter starts in the middle, and the further it extends to the left or right, the more infertile or fertile the planet is respectively. Finally, the Type and Temperature indicate whether you are going to need additional Construction Materials to set up a base on this planet. Each non-grey plot on a planet can be clicked to obtain more information about it. The following colors exist as of yet: blue (other companies), dark blue (other Corp.’s project), yellow (own company), dark yellow (own Corp.’s project), green (CoGC), red (commodity exchange) Instead of entering the planet ID by hand, you may also click the planet directly in the System map to access its PLI window. If no planet ID is provided a search box is being displayed instead of the planet data which allows to search for planets.

Mandatory parameter: Station ID
Shows general information about a space station and provides access to its infrastructure. Accessible by clicking a station (square symbol) on a System map or in a Planet Info window.

Planetary project commands

Mandatory parameter: planet ID
Shows all planetary projects on the desired planet.

Mandatory parameter: planet & project ID
Shows information on a concrete planetary project. Due to the long and complex parameter, it is recommended to access this information via the “details” button next to the desired project in the PPS buffer.

PPI Mandatory parameter: planet Shows information about a plot on the planet’s surface.

POPR Mandatory parameter: planet ID
Shows the population reports of the specified planet with information on the planetary population’s size, need satisfaction and growth.

Local Market commands

LMOS No possible parameter
Shows all your Local Market Ads.

LM Mandatory parameter: Planet ID
Shows all available Ads at a given Local Market. Accessible by clicking the Infrastructure entry “Local Market” (if existant) in any PLI window.

LMA Mandatory parameter: Ad ID
Shows the details of the specified Local Market ad. Accessible by selecting an ad in the LM window.

LMP Mandatory parameter: Planet ID
Allows placing a Buying Ad or Selling Ad at a given Local Market. Accessible via the “POST AD” button in an LM window.

Political commands

ADM Mandatory parameter: Planet ID
Shows information on the planet’s Administration Center (if there is one), such as the current Governor, the entity (i.e. Faction or Corporation) collecting fees and taxes, and all candidates for the upcoming term. Allows anyone to run for Governor of the planet and planetary residents to vote for their preferred candidate.

GOV Mandatory parameter: Planet ID Shows information on a planet’s current and previous governments and the motions that were voted on.

LR Mandatory parameter: Planet ID
Shows the Local Rules of a planet, given that it has an Administration Center. Local Rules include taxes on production as well as fees for Local Market ads.

MOT Mandatory parameters: I-administration ID, m-motion ID Displays a motion, including its components, current status and votes.

MOTS Optional parameter: Motion ID Displays a list of motions for the currently active government context.

POL Optional parameter: User name Shows the current and past political offices held by a user, including current runs.

Warehouse commands

WAR Mandatory parameter: Planet ID
Shows public and private warehouse information like the amount of available storage units, the rental fees and so on.

Notification commands

NOTS No possible parameter
Displays a list of in-game notifications. Click a notification to get more information.

NOTIG No possible paramter
Allows you to change your in-game notification settings. Disabled types of notifications will not show up in the NOTS command.

NOTPNS No possible parameter
Allows you to change your push notification settings. Choose which types of notifications should be sent to you via email and in which frequency.

Transmission commands

No possible parameter
Brings up a list with all transmissions, i.e. video tutorials.

Optional parameter: title
Brings up a green screen to help you record your own transmission. Use the optional parameter to give it a title.

Mandatory parameter: YouTube ID
Embeds a YouTube video. The ID is the succession of numbers and letters after “v=” in the video’s URL.

Other commands

No possible parameter
Shows the current status of your APEX Representation Center and allows you to contribute funds towards raising its level.

No possible parameter
Allows you to liquidate your company. It will be scrapped and you get to start over entirely with the same account. Refresh APEX after using it. The following cooldown times apply to the COLIQ command: The first COLIQ becomes available immediately after company creation, the second one 3 days after using the first one. The wait time for the third COLIQ is 21 days, and every following cooldown is 60 days long. If there have not been any commodity or local market trades and no contributions to planetary or corporation projects an immediate COLIQ might be possible. Please note that misusing the COLIQ command may result in your account being (temporarily) banned!

No possible parameter
Allows you to create a new Screen. To call this command, you may use the “ADD” button at the top. Learn all about Screens in the APEX interface tutorial.

These four commands provide you with a detailed overview over your company’s financial situation. More information on these commands will follow shortly.

GIFT No possible parameter Allows to gift PRO license time to other players and provides and overview of sent and received gifts.

No possible parameter
Shows company-level leaderboards. The type of leaderboard can be chosen from a dropdown menu at the top. Some leaderboards support additional selectors (such as specifying the data’s time range).

About this page

This page is part of the APEX handbook's wiki section. If you are looking for an introduction to APEX, please refer to the tutorials.

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