Community Resources

This is a list of all resources created by the community. Please let us know if some resource is missing or outdated.

Discord servers

Type Name Description
Official Prosperous Universe Official Discord instance of Prosperous Universe
Community Unified Faction Operations Community Discord for discussing politics, finding trade partners, etc
Community Russian-Speaking PrUn Discord Russian-Speaking PrUn Discord
Tools PrUn Community Tools Discord for everything related to FIO and other 3rd party tools for the game.
APEX Chat APEX Chat Server A read-only discord chat with all in-game planet chats.

News and Guides

Type Name Link Description
News Prosperous Turnip The best, totally real, super not fake, news from the Prosperous Universe!
News PrUniverse Report A source of serious political, economic and miscellaneous news from across the cluster.
News Rain’s Blog rain9441’s blog about everything PrUn.
Guide Governor Guide Google Doc Archiel’s Good Governance guide, getting started as a governor.


Name Link
Rain’s Master Base Planner Google spreadsheets
Rain’s System Overview and Planet Finder Google spreadsheets
Rain’s Master Base Planner (with FIO Integration) Google spreadsheets
Master Storage and Consumables Google spreadsheets
Master Storage and Consumables x FIO Google spreadsheets
PRUN Utilities Google spreadsheets
Illuminate Google spreadsheets
FIO Data Import Spreadsheet Google spreadsheets
Governorship Accounting Template Google spreadsheets
Governance Expenses Template Google spreadsheets
Governor Upkeep and Population Calculator Google spreadsheets
Population Calculator (by PiBoy314) Google spreadsheets


Type Name Author Link Description
Library/Utility ApexUtils binarygod JavaScript class to assist in integrating custom code to APEX console.
Extension/Utility FIO Kovus, Saganaki, Many Others Search planets, find shipping ads, see your consumable burn, and much much more.
Extension/Utility FIO Tooltips binarygod Show exchange data on inventory items on mouse-over.
Extension/Utility PCT Wiki PCT Discord PrUn Community Tools wiki of detailed game mechanics.
Utility Plex Tools Plexucra Tools for the daily work of a galactic CEO with a starmap, profit analyzer, and much more.
Utility Prosper b3dtime A tool to visualize production chains as well as show the values of your inventory.
Map/Search Prosperity Ined Search a 2D map, find resource locations, and plot jump routes.
Utility PrUnIcon allocator Modified colors and icons for material boxes.
Base Management PRUNner Jacudibu Standalone base planning app to establish your empire without using spreadsheets!
Utility PRUNplanner Scorpio Empire and Base Planning and Management Tool
APEX Modification PrUnTools binarygod Collection of TamperMonkey APEX console mods.
Extension PMMG Extended PiBoy314 (Orig Yarek) Improve and tweak the interface elements of Prosperous Universe (and more!)
Extension/Utility Screens Inline Rynx Add individual screens inline as well as add preferred exchange links for material buffers.
Utility Universal Logistics wyago An exploratory tool for visualizing material supply chains and optimizing building profits.
Map Universe Map Tool McCowen Pan and Zoom this map of systems, FTL flight paths, system and planet names and faction space.
Search yapt aeryen Search planets, info about a company & general base count.
Map Taiyi’s Prosperous Universe Map Taiyi Interactive Map with resource search and filter functionality

About this page

This page is part of the APEX handbook's wiki section. If you are looking for an introduction to APEX, please refer to the tutorials.

If you encounter an error or cannot find the answers to your questions, we will gladly help you on our Discord server.